Saturday, March 28, 2009

Proportional Symbol Map

Wine data was obtained from I used Mathmatical scaling to calculate my symbol size (in Excel) from the total consumption values and then used this data to obtain 5 proportional legend classes. Symbols are at 75% opacity. The legend is linear with a horizontal orientation.
The overall map layout was done in Adobe Illustrator. The basemap, scale, labels and north arrow were exported from Arcmap.
I used the NGS Winkel Tripel projection. I feel it provides an aesthetic layout of the countries.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Choropleth Map

Choropleth map (classed), gray scale color scheme (RGB values) obtained from ColorBrewer

Equal interval class breaks were used. I'm not sure this was the best class given the data was heavily skewed to the left with one large outlier to the far right. A a result, a class field was left empty (fourth legend value).

Choropleth Map

Choropleth map
Unipolar, classed data, State level
Sequential color scheme
horizontal scale design based on limited space

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009